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Title: Governance and Welfare of Fishing Communities of Lake Victoria
Authors: Yongo, E.
Lwenya, C.
Mlahagwa, E
Kaidhwa, M
Keywords: Co-management
Beach Management Units
Lake Victoria
Health, Education
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries 13: 14-21 (2013)
Abstract: The increase in global demand for Nile perch and the resulting increase in effort, along with the rapid growth of the human population have created significant changes in the ecology of Lake Victoria. The integration of the riparian states around Lake Victoria has made it possible to rethink strategies that promote development by changing management strategies for sustainable fisheries. These include the introduction of a co-management system of Beach Management units (BMUs) which are elected by the fishing communities and will work with the authorities in developing management objectives. In order to achieve development goals, major new investment in infrastructure and technology are required particularly in gear, mode of propulsion and marketing, and the three states around the lake have developed priority programmes in order to create wealth, raise the living standards of the people of the region. In relation to this, the facilities available to the fishing communities were examined. The availability of cold rooms is very limited in the region as most beaches do not have potable water or electricity. Educational standards remain low and many communities lack proper sanitation, and are therefore at risk of disease, while most basic facilities such as hospitals, schools and clinics are not within their reach.
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