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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 134
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Biodiversity and socioeconomic assessment of Lamu Southern Swamp mangrove ecosystemOkello, J.; Mwakha, V.; Oketch, F.; Mwamburi, S; Amondi, L.; Ouko, C; Muchiri, Z; Vihenda, M; Komu, H.; Mbatha, A; Ishmael, N; Sirikwa, L
2012Report on Prioritization of Key Commercial Species for Stock Assessment.Okemwa, G; Mueni, E; Manyala, J; Wambiji, N
2023Nature - Based Solutions: Restoring Mangroves for Shoreline Protection and Other Ecosystem Services at Gazi Bay, KenyaKinya, G; Kairo, J; Nyoike, R; Gachoka, J; Githinji, B; Githaiga, M
2019An Assessment of the Socio-Economic Implications of PADH due to Coastal Tourism, Mangrove Destruction, Mining/Sediment Movement, Ports and Land Reclamation and Damming of RiversMwaipopo, R; Lufumbi, J
2000Progress in Integrated Coastal or Sustainable Development of Kenya's Coast Management f The Case of Nyali-Bamburi-Shanzu AreaUnited Nations Environmental programme
2006Coastal Erosion Project Diani Beach, Kenya May – June 2006Stive, M.; van de Graaff, J.; Verhagen, H.
2000Guidelines for the Study of Shoreline Change in the Western Indian Ocean RegionKairu, K.; Nyandwi, N
2009Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear.Macfadyen, G; Cappell, R
2018Comprehensive mapping of fish trade corridors in the five regions of AFRICA:Focusing Eastern African corridor: Mombasa to Goma, passing through Kenya,Uganda,Burundi, Rwanda and democraris republic of congo, and the horn of Africa.African Union
2024World Food and Agriculture – Statistical Yearbook 2024Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
2024A standard for establishment of permanent sample plots in the mangrove forests of KenyaOkello, J.; Nafula, A; Kimeli, A.; Muchiri, Z.
2024Bend the Trend – Pathways to a liveable planet as resource use spikesUnited Nations Environmental programme
2024Beyond an age of waste – Turning rubbish into a resource-
2007Study and analysis of feeds and fertilizers for sustainable aquaculture developmentHasan, M.; Hecht, T.; De Silva, S.; Tacon, A.
2014A Guide to evaluating marine spatial plansIntergovernmental oceanographic commission
2024Government backs the tranformation of fish farmingDaily Nation
2024Empowering women, small-scale farmers for Kenya’s aquacultureDaily Nation
2024Special focus on Transforming Commercial Aquaculture in KenyaDaily Nation
2024Effective Community Capacity Building and Mentoring for Coastal and Marine Resource Governance: A Case Study of Beach Management Units (BMUs) in Kwale County, Kenya. COMRED. Mombasa, KenyOchiel, C.; Muteti, J.; Ogada, A.; Kimani, P.; Gudka, M.; Andriamalala, G.
2024The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2024: Blue Transformation in actionFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 134