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Title: Small-scale fishing households facing COVID-19: The case of Lake Victoria, Kenya
Authors: Forella, K.
Bageant, E.
Mojica, L.
Obuya, J.
Ochieng, J.
Olela, P.
Otuo, P.
Onyango, H.
Aura, C.
Okronipa, H.
Keywords: Small-scale fisheries
Aquatic food supply,
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Kathryn J. Fiorella, Elizabeth R. Bageant, Lia Mojica, Julia A. Obuya, Jane Ochieng, Pamela Olela, Patrick Wanguche Otuo, Horace Owiti Onyango, Christopher Mulanda Aura and Harriet Okronipa, Small-scale fishing households facing COVID-19: The case of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Fisheries Research Volume 237, May 2021, 105856
Series/Report no.: Fisheries Research;Volume 237, 105856
Abstract: Small-scale fisheries underpin the aquatic food supply, and are facing acute challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aimed to examine how small-scale fishing households, including fishers and fish traders, are responding to COVID-19 and associated movement restrictions around Lake Victoria, Kenya. We conducted phone interviews with 88 households in three riparian communities around Lake Victoria to examine shifts in fish consumption, fishing activities, price changes, and coping strategies. We found that households are consuming less fish, perceiving high fish prices, and coping by more often selling than eating fish. Most fishers and traders reported spending less time fishing and trading, and concern about being infected with COVID-19 was high. Our findings suggest movement restrictions and COVID-19 concern, along with high lake levels in the region, may limit fishing activities and fish access. Controlling COVID-19 and supporting opportunities for fishers and traders to safely return to their livelihood activities will be paramount to the recovery of small-scale fishing communities today. Our findings can also support planning to mitigate the impacts of future crises on small-scale fishing communities.
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