Browsing by Author Darling, E.

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Biogeography and Change among Regional Coral Communities across the Western Indian OceanMcClanahan, T.; Ateweberhan, M.; Darling, E.; Graham, N.; Muthiga, N.
2012Distributions of Indo-Pacific lionfishes Pterois spp. in their native ranges: implications for the Atlantic invasionKulbicki, M.; Beets, J.; Chabanet, P.; Cure, K.; Darling, E.; Floeter, S.; Galzin, R.; Green, A.; Harmelin-Vivien, M.; Hixon, M.; Letourneur, Y.; Loma, T.; McClanahan, T.; McIlwain, J.; MouTham, G.; Myers, R.; O’Leary, J.; Planes, S.; Vigliola, L.; Wantiez, L.
2020Highly variable taxa-specific coral bleaching responses to thermal stressesMcClanahan, T.; Darling, E.; Maina, J.; Muthiga, N.; D’agata, S.; Leblond, J.; Arthur, R.; Jupiter, S.; Wilson, S.; Mangubhai, S.; Ussi, A.; Guillaume, M.; Humphries, A.; Patankar, V.; Shedrawi, G.; Pagu, J; Grimsditch, G.
2019Implementing a social-ecological systems framework for conservation monitoring: lessons from a multi-country coral reef programGurney, G.; Darling, E.; Jupiter, S.; Mangubhai, S.; McClanahan, T.; Lestari, P.; Pardede, S.; Campbell, S.; Fox, M.; Naisilisili, W.; Muthiga, N.; D’agata, S.; Holmes, K.; Rossi, N.
2008Malthusian overfishing and efforts to overcome it on Kenyan coral reefsMcClanahan, T.; Hicks, C.; Darling, E.
2020Multiscale determinants of social adaptive capacity in small-scale fishing communitiesD'agata, S.; Darling, E.; Gurney, G.; McClanahan, T.; Muthiga, N.; Rabearisoa, A.; Maina, J.
2012Prioritizing Key Resilience Indicators to Support Coral Reef Management in a Changing ClimateMcClanahan, T.; Donner, S.; Maynard, J.; MacNeil, M.; Graham, N.; Maina, J.; Baker, A.; Alemu, J.; Beger, M.; Campbell, S.; Darling, E.; Eakin, C.; Heron, S.; Woesik, R.
2013Social-ecological vulnerability of coral reef fisheries to climatic shocksCinner, J.; McClanahan, T.; Wamukota, A.; Darling, E.; Humphries, A.; Hicks, C.; Huchery, C.; Marshall, N.; Hempson, T.; Graham, N.; Bodin, Ö.; Daw, T.; Allison, E.
2019Social–environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the AnthropoceneDarling, E.; McClanahan, T.; Maina, J.; Gurney, G.; Graham, N.; Januchowski-Hartley, F.; Cinner, J.; Mora, C.; Hicks, C.; Maire, E.; Puotinen, M.; Skirving, W..; Adjeroud, M.; Ahmadia, G.; Arthur, R.; Bauman, A.; Beger, M.; Berumen, M.; Bigot, L.; Bouwmeester, J.; Brenier, A.; Bridge, T.; Brown, E.; Campbell, S.; Cannon, S.; Cauvin, B.; Chen, C.; Claudet, J.; Denis, V.; Donner, S.; Fadli, N.; Feary, D.; Fenner, D.; Fox, H.; Franklin, E.; Friedlander, A.; Gilmour, J.; Goiran, C.; Guest, J.; Hobbs, J.; Hoey, A.; Houk, P.; Johnson, S.; Jupiter, S.; Kayal, M.; Kuo, C.; Lamb, J.; Lee, M.; Low, J.; Muthiga, N.; Muttaqin, E.; Nand, Y.; Nash, K.; Nedlic, O.; Pandolfi, J.; Pardede, S.; Patankar, V.; Penin, L.; Ribas-Deulofeu, L.; Richards, Z.; Roberts, T.; Rodgers, K.; Safuan, C.; Sala, E.; Shedrawi, G.; Tsai Min Sin; Smallhorn-West, P.; Smith, J.; Sommer, B.; Steinberg, P.; Sutthacheep, M.; Chun Hong James Tan; Williams, G.; Wilson, S.; Yeemin, T.; Bruno, JF.; Fortin, M.; Krkosek, M.; Mouillot, D.
2021Views of management effectiveness in tropical reef fisheriesMcClanahan, T.; Darling, E.; Mangubhai, S.; Gurney, SG.; Lestari, W.; Fox, M.; Jupiter, S.; Yulistianti, D.; Muthiga, N.; D'agata, S.