Browsing by Subject Overfishing

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Alarming incidence of porcupinefish bycatch in the Lamu seascape beach seine fishery: Could this be a sign of an ecosystem imbalance?Okemwa, G.; Abubakar, A.; Maina, G.; Osore, M.
2012Artisanal fishery analysis within the Mpunguti Marine Reserve (Southern Kenya): Gear-based management towards sustainable strategies.Gomes, I.
2018Assessment of the Fisheries Status in River Molo to Guide the Management on its FisheriesNyakeya, K.; Kiptoo, K.; Nyamora, J.; Kerich, E.
2014Democracy and the environment revisited: The case of African fisheriesSjöstedt, M.; Jagers, S.
2007The effect of overfishing on the life-history strategies of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, KenyaOjuok, J.; Njiru, J.; Ntiba, J.; Mavuti, K.
2018Experimental evaluation of influence of FADs on community structure and fisheries in coastal KenyaMbaru, E.; Sigana, D.; Ruwa, R.; Mueni, E.; Ndoro, C.; Kimani, E.; Kaunda-Arara, B.
2013Heredity or traditional knowledge: Fishing tactics and dynamics of artisanal mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) fisheryMirera, D.; Ochiewo, J.; Munyi, F.; Muriuki, T.
2017Impacts of Nile Perch, Lates niloticus, introduction on the ecology, economy and conservation of Lake Victoria, East AfricaAloo, P.; Njiru, J.; Balirwa, J.
2001Management issues in the Lake Victoria watershedNtiba, J.; Kudoja, W.; Mukasa, C.
2000Managing Without Institutions: The Role of Communication Networks in Governing Resource Access and ControlKing, A.
2013Mangroves and Livelihood: An Assessment of Livelihood Projects in Mangrove Ecosystems Along the Kenyan CoastAmina, H.
2014Optimal Management Policy for the Kenyan Marine Artisanal FisheryWarui, S.
2017An Overview of the Current Status of Lake Naivasha Fishery: Challenges and Management StrategiesNjiru, J.; Waithaka, E.; Aloo, P.
2018Participatory assessment of priority fishery profiles in an overfished urban inshore seascape in KenyaOmukoto, J.; Owiti, H.; Mwakha, V.; Munga, C.; Wamukota, A.
2016Spatial variation in benthopelagic fish assemblage structure along coastal East Africa from recent bottom trawl surveysKaunda-Arara, B.; Munga, C.; Manyala, J.; Kaguru, B.; Igulu, M.; Chanda, M.; Kangwe, S.; Mwakiti, S.; Thoya, P.; Mbaru, E.; Ruwa, R.