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Title: Taking Aqua Shops from Asia to Africa A case study in Kenya
Authors: Otieno, S.
Haylor, G..
Savage, W.
Keywords: Aqua shops
Fish farmers
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Citation: Susan Otieno, Graham Haylor, William Savage, Taking Aqua Shops from Asia to Africa A case study in Kenya: IN Facilitated Advocacy for Sustainable Development An Approach and Its Paradoxes Edited ByGraham Haylor, William Savage, 122 Pages, 15 November 2018
Series/Report no.: Taking Aqua Shops from Asia to Africa A case study in Kenya;
Abstract: Not all development ideas catch on, or as development specialists might say, “have impacts”. Good ideas, however, have a habit of spreading far and wide, especially when they address an important and widely experienced set of challenges. Such ideas inspire people to talk about them; they may encourage donors to fund them; they may garner investment from entrepreneurs; and they may end up fulfilling a genuine and widespread need. In an era of globalization, there is perhaps more scope than ever before for ideas, goods, services, finance and labor to flow from wherever they emerge to wherever they fulfil a need. This chapter features one such idea that emerged strongly from a process of facilitated advocacy with remote tribal communities in India to also have an impact in Western Kenya.
ISBN: 9780429423833
Appears in Collections:Books & Book Chapters

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