Browsing by Author Kadagi, N.

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Billfish in coastal visual art in Kenya: a resource for ocean science communicationKihia, S.; Uku, J.; Ater, S.; Kioko, M.; Kadagi, N.; Wambiji, N.
2020The Blue Economy–Cultural Livelihood–Ecosystem Conservation Triangle: The African ExperienceOkafor-Yarwood, I.; Kadagi, N.; Miranda, N.; Uku, J.; Elegbede, I.; Adewumi, I.
2022Environmental controls of billfish species in the Indian Ocean and implications for their management and conservationThoya, P.; Kadagi, N.; Wambiji, N.; Williams, S.; Pepperell, J.; Möllmann, C.; Schiele, K.; Maina, J.
2022Environmental controls of billfish species in the Indian Ocean and implications for their management and conservationThoya, P.; Kadagi, N.; Wambiji, N.; Williams, S.; Pepperell, J.; Möllmann, C.; Schiele, K.; Maina, J.
2022Integrating long-term citizen science data and contemporary artisanal fishery survey data to investigate recreational and small-scale shark fisheries in KenyaWambiji, N.; Kadagi, N.; Everett, B.; Temple, A.; Kiszka, J.; Kimani, E.; Berggren, P.
2020Joint management of shared resources as an alternative approach for addressing maritime boundary disputes: the Kenya-Somalia maritime boundary disputeKadagi, N.; Okafor-Yarwood, I.; Glaser, S.; Lien, Z.
2021Ocean safaris or food: characterizing competitive interactions between recreational and artisanal billfish fisheries on the coast of KenyaKadagi, N.; Wambiji, N.; Belhabib, D.; Ahrens, R.
2022Perceptions towards governance of billfish resource use: The lens of artisanal fishers in KenyaKinyua, D.; Kadagi, N.; Ater, S.; Osore, M.; wamukota, A.
2020Potential for conflicts in recreational and artisanal billfish fisheries on the coast of KenyaKadagi, N.; Wambiji, N.; Swisher, M.
2022Survival of the Richest, not the Fittest: How attempts to improve governance impact African small-scale marine fisheriesOkafor-Yarwood, I; Kadagi, N.; Belhabib, D.; Allison, E.